Nov 24, 2008

moon pie - the pieces

Fuck year first post.

It's fucking knight rider and shit you'll love it.

taken from
Born from the ashes of former Belgian sensation Death Chants in 2007, D.C. based Moon Pie comprises substitute math teacher Michael Knight and paralegal Alison Stout. But beneath the pedestrian trappings of their daily lives are two eccentric minds that combine to create a fabulously eclectic musical sound, in which can be found not only aspects of the psychedelic shoegaze-folk of their former band but also the rattle and clang of industrial, the mournful strains of Albanian urban lyric song, the whimsical yet ominous pastiche of Tropicalia and last but certainly not least the surreal kitsch of early 20th century Vaudeville.


It's everything I've found. There probably will be more if Alison quits hogging it all :P

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

fuck year even though this upload isn't organized very well this is the shit.